Nitrous Oxide

With the help of sedation dentistry, Dr. Raimondo is able to perform dental procedures for patients while they are in an altered state of consciousness—that of total relaxation. Patients often tell us that time in the dental chair goes more quickly with sedation than without it. Dr. Raimondo and our team genuinely care if our patients have a good dental experience. When you’re our patient, you become part of our dental family!

Dr. Raimondo is certified to provide nitrous oxide, and has 44 years of experience safely administering nitrous oxide sedation to patients. With our anesthesia-delivery machines, the balance of nitrous oxide and oxygen is carefully monitored and regulated. Your safety is always our number-one concern.

Why choose nitrous oxide sedation?

In addition to being a completely safe, non-invasive sedation option, nitrous oxide provides patients with:

  • A more comfortable dental appointment
  • A reduction in anxiety associated with the dental appointment
  • A reduction in the gag reflex
  • A raised pain threshold, making it more comfortable to receive anesthetic
  • Quick recovery; you will be completely awake and able to drive at the end of your appointment

Is nitrous oxide sedation right for you?

Sedation dentistry with nitrous oxide can be accomplished for almost all patients. The exceptions are pregnancy and some respiratory problems. Since you must be able to breathe through your nose, nasal obstruction from a cold, allergies, or other obstruction would be a contra-indication for nitrous oxide sedation. Also, if you have severe dental anxiety, you may be better served by IV sedation which provides a much deeper level of sedation.

Please feel free to talk to Dr. Raimondo if you have any concerns or questions regarding your sedation options. Schedule an appointment at our San Antonio dental office today!